ICON Eyewear Uses The State Of Art Technology For Extensive Eye Testing And Treatment For Dry Eye, Macular Disease & Glaucoma. Book An Appointment Today!

Keeping your eyes healthy & strong
At ICON Eyewear, we help you to love your eyes and enjoy your vision through high quality care. Our services range from regular eye examinations to CASA approved eye tests.
Our full service optometry includes:
- Comprehensive eye examinations
- Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) eye examinations
- Pre-employment eye examinations
- Dry Eye workup and treatment plans
- Ocular Pathology workup and management
- Glaucoma
- Diabetes
- Macular Degeneration
- Children’s Vision
- Advanced Contact Lens Fitting
- Myopia Control
- Occupational visual aids
Game-changing equipment
ZEISS Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT):
Similar to an MRI, the OCT scan allows for a safe, non- invasive and clear examination of the internal structures of the eye. It generates cross-sectional images of the layers of the retina and measures the delicate structures, resulting in precise diagnosis and treatment of ocular conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and macular degeneration.
OPTOMAP Ultra Wide Digital Retinal Imaging:
The OPTOMAP machine captures more than 80% of your retina in one panoramic image. Traditional methods typically reveal only 10-15% of your retina at one time. This painless scan allows uninhibited assessment of this delicate lining, making detection of many retinal conditions and diseases faster and more precise.
OCULUS Keratograph:
This advanced corneal topographer helps examine the Meibomian glands, the tear film layer and the tear meniscus height. It helps our optometrists determine the most effective treatment for dry eyes.
The revolutionary SMAP3D utilises 3D stitching, combining multiple gaze directions into a complete model of the ocular surface to allow our optometrists to completely customise your specialty lenses without any guesswork.
With the ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 Platform, our dispensers achieve new levels of precision, speed, service and convenience when customising your lenses. This machine has nine mutually calibrated cameras that capture a 180-degree view of your face in one shot. Frame measurement data is then extrapolated from the image using 45 million points and sent to the laboratory for processing.
Dry Eye treatment
From the keratography to the IPL machine, our practice prioritises the latest equipment to help treat and manage dry eyes. We tailor our consultations to your signs and symptoms and provide alternative solutions to lubricating drops.
Lumenis IPL revolutionary treatment effectively treats your skin and eyelid inflammation with maximal safety, comfort and full customisation to your skin type and condition.
This specialised dry eye treatment applies heat and pressure to the meibomian glands to remove blockages, promoting the flow of oil in a gentle massaging sensation, relieving the symptoms of dry eyes.
REXONEYE is a non-invasive device that treats all forms of dry eye disease through the application of low power, high power frequency electric fields to the eyelids, stimulating the metabolism and natural regeneration of the cells.
Myopia Control
Myopia is a growing problem and is a global epidemic in school aged children. It is estimated that by 2050, 5 billion people, or half the global population will be short- sighted.
Research shows that time spent indoors in associated with increasing short-sightedness in children.
At ICON Eyewear, our optometrists are trained and experienced with managing myopia in children using a variety of methods available. From specialty contact lenses to compounded atropine drops, we will tailor the management program to your child’s needs.
HOYA MiyoSmart Lenses:
Miyosmart lenses are innovative spectacle lenses designed to minimize the progression of myopia in children. The lenses were developed together by researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and HOYA with clinical trials showing that the D.I.M.S (Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments) technology slowed progression by 60% and halting progression by 21.5%.
MiyoSmart lenses are an easy, effective and non- invasive method to control your child’s short-sightedness.
ZEISS Myocare Lenses:
In 2023, ZEISS released the first age-related Myopia management Optical lens into the market. The ZEISS Myocare lens utilises their C.A.R.E Technology, designed to mimic how orthokeratology contact lenses work to help slow down myopia progression.
CooperVision MiSight Contact Lenses:
MiSight 1 day contact
lenses not only help correct your child’s vision but have also been proven to
significantly reduce their myopic progression. Their special ActivControl Technology is proven to slow the progression of short-sightedness by up to 59%.Wearing these lenses will allow your child to experience spectacle free clarity and enjoy the activities that they love.
Orthokeratology Lenses:
Ortho-k (Orthokeratology) lenses are rigid gas permeable lenses that are used to reshape the front surface of your eye and therefore correct your short-sightedness. These lenses are usually worn overnight and provide clear distance vision during the day time.
They have been clinically proven to slow myopia progression in children by up to 55% and are completely safe for young children to wear.
Wearing Otho-k lenses allows for correction free day-time vision for your child to enjoy the activities that they love.
Low Dose Atropine
Studies have shown that low-dose atropine (0.01% to 0.05%) eye drops can slow the progression of myopia in children by 50%.
Atropine cannot reverse myopia and must be used in conjunction with appropriate spectacle or contact lens correction.
Repeated Low Level Red Light Therapy:
Repeated low level red light therapy is an emerging treatment to slow down myopia in children. Recent studies have shown promising results in slowing down or stopping eye elongation, thereby reducing myopia progression.
The technology works by exposing the eye to red light to stimulate blood flow to the back of the eye. This stimulation acts to slow down eye growth.
The Eyerising International device used at ICON Eyewear is TGA approved for myopia control and complies with Australian standards for laser products safety.

Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is a serious and permanent eye disease caused by damage to the nerves in your eye that can result in loss of eyesight in the centre of your field of vision.
It causes blurred vision, blind spots or a loss of vision in the middle of what you would normally see, making it difficult to carry out activities such as driving, reading, recognising faces, judging distances, or seeing reduced colour intensity.
While there is no current cure for macular degeneration, there are a number of ways to reduce your risk or prevent further vision loss.
There are two main types of macular degeneration. Dry macular degeneration is the most common kind. It is caused by the gradual loss of cells in the retina. It develops slowly and causes gradual vision loss.
Wet macular degeneration progresses more rapidly and leads to loss of central vision. It happens when abnormal blood vessels grow under the macular and leak blood and fluid which can lead to permanent scarring inside the eye.
Early detection and diagnosis is vital. It’s important to see your optometrist as soon as you notice any changes to your vision.
While the cause of macular degeneration is not known, it mainly occurs in individuals aged 50 or older, those with close family who have the condition and is more common in people who smoke.
An optometrist will conduct the appropriate eye tests, examining the back of the eyes to make a diagnosis.

Glaucoma refers to a group of conditions that damage the optic nerve that links the eye to the brain. It is a common eye problem and, if left untreated, can cause vision loss and blindness.
Usually deterioration is gradual and may not be noticeable, so regular eye examinations are vital from middle age. Once detected, glaucoma can be treated to prevent or delay further vision damage.
Those at higher risk of developing glaucoma include individuals who have a close relative with glaucoma, are over 50, are short-sighted or long-sighted, use steroid medication for long periods, have diabetes, high or low blood pressure, migraine headaches, or have had an eye operation or eye injury.
An optometrist will test and detect glaucoma by examining the nerve fibres and the structure of the eye drainage network, testing the field of vision and measuring the eye pressure in your eye.